SVV Praha s.r.o., a member of GSI-SLV extended its accreditation services by the bonding process certification according to EN 17460 and DIN 2304-1.
Compliance with the requirements of EN 17460 and related regulations is an instrument for providing the controlled bonding process in the production of railway vehicles and their parts.

EN 17460 certification
Our organisation SVV Praha, s.r.o., member of the GSI-SLV company, extended its certification services by the adhesive process certification according to EN 17460. We are a member of the working...
DIN 2304-1 certification
With growing needs for high-quality adhesive bonding, general standard DIN 2304-1 for bond quality assurance was published firstly in March 2016. The last revision was issued in 2020. This standard...
Application for certification and information for applicants
To receive a certification application contact please Head of Certification Body SVV Praha for Bonding Vitezslav Frank, Ph.D. Phone: +420 702 012 664 E-mail: frank@svv.cz
Suspended and withdrawn certificates
JANKA ENGINEERING s.r.o., ID: 27912612, certificate no. CL1-008/1708 C0 – withdrawn based on a client request on 18.2.2019 Slovácké strojírny, a.s, SUB, a.s. plant 07 MEP Postřelmov, certificate no. CL1-012/1910...